Blooms of Love: Discover Your Perfect Wedding Flowers with Our Floral Quiz!

Quiz: Discover Your Perfect Wedding Flowers

  1. What is your wedding color scheme? a) Soft pastels b) Bold and vibrant colors c) Classic whites and greens d) Romantic shades of red and pink
  2. What is your preferred wedding style? a) Bohemian and eclectic b) Modern and sleek c) Timeless and traditional d) Rustic and natural
  3. Choose a wedding season: a) Spring b) Summer c) Fall d) Winter
  4. How would you describe your personality? a) Free-spirited and adventurous b) Bold and confident c) Elegant and refined d) Warm and romantic
  5. What is your favorite flower? a) Sunflowers b) Orchids c) Roses d) Peonies
  6. Select a fragrance that appeals to you: a) Fresh and citrusy b) Spicy and exotic c) Floral and sweet d) Earthy and musky
  7. What is your preferred wedding venue? a) Beach b) City rooftop c) Historic mansion d) Countryside barn
  8. What is your budget for wedding flowers? a) Tight budget b) Moderate budget c) Generous budget d) Sky’s the limit
  9. Pick a statement element for your bouquet: a) Wildflowers and greenery b) Tropical blooms c) Cascading orchids d) Luxurious ribbon and jewels
  10. What is your desired atmosphere for the wedding? a) Laid-back and carefree b) Glamorous and sophisticated c) Timeless and romantic d) Cozy and intimate


  • For every ‘a’ answer, add 1 point to option A.
  • For every ‘b’ answer, add 1 point to option B.
  • For every ‘c’ answer, add 1 point to option C.
  • For every ‘d’ answer, add 1 point to option D.


  • 8-10 points in option A: Your perfect wedding flowers are wild and free-spirited, like a mix of sunflowers and daisies.
  • 11-15 points in option B: Bold and vibrant orchids or tropical blooms will complement your modern and confident style.
  • 16-20 points in option C: Classic roses or timeless peonies are ideal for your elegant and refined wedding.
  • 21-25 points in option D: Romantic shades of red and pink flowers, such as roses and tulips, suit your warm and romantic personality.

Remember, these are just suggestions to inspire you. Feel free to mix and match elements based on your personal preferences!